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Best Way To Use A Credit Card

Best Way To Use A Credit Card is via this platform, where you can pay and earn rewards on each transaction! The platform provides convenience and flexibility, but it also has many benefits, such as reward points. This platform allows you to maximize these benefits, even when paying vendors who don’t accept credit cards. Powered by Zil Money is a financial technology company, not a bank. offers banking services through partnership with FDIC member banks like Silicon Valley Bank and Texas National Bank.

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Using Credit Cards to Save Money on Business Expenses


Cash Back Rewards

  • Earn Cash Back: Credit cards like the Capital One Spark Card offer 2% unlimited cash back, while the American Express Plum Card offers 1.5% unlimited cash back.
  • Offset Fees: Using a credit card with cash back can partially offset the 2.95% process fee, reducing the effective cost.

Tax Benefits

  • Tax-Deductible Fees: The 2.95% process fee can be filed as a tax-deductible business expense, offering some financial relief.
  • Additional Tax Breaks: Depending on the jurisdiction and tax codes, you may be eligible for additional tax breaks for using credit cards for business expenses.

Cash Flow Management

  • Cash Float Period: Credit cards often provide a 30 to 45-day payment window, allowing businesses to manage their cash flow better.
  • Utilize Funds: During this period, the funds can be invested in short-term opportunities or other revenue-generating activities.

Detailed Example: Capital One Spark Card

  • Process Fee: 2.95%
  • Cash Back: 2%
  • Tax Break: 0.06%
  • Final Fee: 0.35%
  • Additional Benefit: 30-45 days of cash flow management and float revenue.

Floating Revenue from Bank

  • Float Revenue - Cash Incentive Earnings: The funds in your bank account for 30 to 45 days could earn Cash incentive or be invested in short-term revenue-generating activities.
  • Capital Utilization: The cash float period allows you to strategically utilize your capital for other pressing needs or investment opportunities.

Additional Resources

By combining these strategies, the actual cost of using a credit card to handle business expenses can be significantly reduced, while also providing the flexibility to manage cash flow more effectively.

Maximizing Credit Card Rewards brings an innovative solution to this challenge. The unique “Pay by Credit Card” feature enables you to pay your vendors through your credit cards, regardless of whether they accept card payments. This allows you to earn rewards on your credit cards for every payment, leading to significant savings over time.

Maximizing Credit Card Rewards

Our Features AP/AR - Powered by Zil Money offers a wide range of payment features to make your business transactions secure and flexible. Now you can pay and receive payments with the easy-to-use software and dive into the journey.

Check Printing

Create and print business checks at your office desk with a drag and drop design.


Pay or get paid one-time or recurring ACH/RTP with low transaction fees.


Integrate with the top third-party applications.

Pay Bill

Pay Bills Online, Schedule them, Manage suppliers, and reduce risk.

Payments by Credit Card

Now pay by credit card even if they don't accept them.

Wire Transfer

Transfer money electronically from one financial institution to other.

Deposit Slips

Instantly create & print the deposit slip of any Bank. Keep track & auto reconcile it.


Create invoice to your customer and send link through email.

Cloud Bank

Open an online checking account with no hidden charges.

Email Check

Send your checks as a one-time printable pdf with a tracking facility.

Payment Link

Create an HTML form or link to receive payments.


Give access to accountant or clients with a role based user and approval process.

Overnight Check Mailing

Overnight Check mailing without leaving your desk. We print and mail it by FedEx.

Digital Checks

Digitize your paper checks and make your payments via email or text.

Bank Data

Connect & reconcile, Categorize from Any Financial Institution automatically.

API/White Label

Interactive developer-friendly API. Complete white label solution.

Effective Payment Platform

Effective Payment Platform

The best way to use credit cards is by’s Pay by Credit Card feature that doesn’t stop at just earning rewards. You can also manage your finances more efficiently, helping to keep track of all your payments, whether by check or credit cards. It’s a one-stop platform to manage and monitor all your financial transactions, enhancing your control over personal or business finances.

Easy To Access

Instant access to your account anywhere, anytime.

High Security

Secured with Encryption, Fraud Detection, and Infrastructure.

Easy Payment

Efficiently transfer funds to where they're needed.

Safeguarding Your Credit 

Timely payments are crucial in maintaining a healthy credit score. The use of can ensure that your payments are always on time. By scheduling your credit card payments via the platform, you can prevent any adverse effects on your credit score due to late or missed payments. This feature further solidifies the platform’s position as a crucial tool in smart credit cards usage.

Safeguarding Your Credit







Enhances Credit Card Usage

Enhances Credit Card Usage

The best way to use credit cards is via which enhances the advantages and minimize the challenges associated with credit card use. From maximizing rewards to ensuring timely payments, this platform acts as a comprehensive solution. Use to make the best out of your credit card while also maintaining a firm grip on your financial health.


How does credit card payment work?

You can make online or in-store payments with your credit cards. Using, you can send money with credit card to anyone without worrying about them accepting credit cards payments. You can choose how they receive it- ACH, Wire, or Check.

Can you send money with a credit card? encourages you to send money with credit cards to anyone without worrying about the transaction cost for the payee. You can choose how the payee will receive the amount and keep all the credit card rewards.

How to use credit card to transfer money?

Switch to and choose the pay by credit card feature to easily make payments. The platform allows using credit cards to send money, even to those who do not accept them. You can choose how the payee will receive it.

Credit Card vs Cash Spending

Credit cards and cash are two common methods for transactions. Utilize your business credit card to make payments through, even if they are not accepted.

Credit card vs Debit

Credit and debit cards are the two common modes of card payment. Credit cards payments are not commonly accepted by all, unlike debit cards. Join and make credit card payments even when they are not accepted.

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