Many innovations have happened as banking checks are concerned. There are mainly three types of check papers that are used to print checks. Either the account holder can print checks using ordinary paper or else can use blank checks. Another option is to use preprinted business checks.
Checks were not being preprinted, and instead, it was free of any data, and blank check papers were used. However, it is printed by a traditional printer and software through which it is gone through. Banks mainly designed these checks, which occasionally encompass the entity’s name and logo on demand of entities and businesses that do not have much time to write on the checks as it amounts to be a struggling activity for them as the checks to be drawn are massive.
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Pre-printed business checks alternative
Analyzing all the three options available, it is better to use bank checks to print business checks instead of using pre-printed business checks due to many reasons. Initially, people used to print checks on ordinary check papers. However, it should be kept in mind that the check papers used to print checks should be of high quality. There should be the utmost durability for the check papers. Banks started rejecting checks that were printed on ordinary papers because of their less quality.
The next available option was to decide between pre-printed checks and blank check papers. Pre-printed business checks usually are highly expensive compared to blank checks stock. We can save time and around 80% of the cost by using blank checks rather than using pre-printed checks.
For instance, if a company will purchase two pre-printed checks, it may cost around $200 with the inventory distribution cost of $ 36, and the total comes to around $ 240. However, in the same case, if we are opting for blank checks, two cases of blank checks will cost only $ 44, and the total cost of two cases of blank checks comes around only $ 45. Hence it can be said that pre-printed checks are much expensive than blank checks.
Pre-printed business check alternative – Powered by Zil Money helps business entities, irrespective of their turnover and size, to print business checks on blank check stock. Hence it is much easier and economical than using pre-printed business checks. Pre-printed business checks reveal all the banking details, and hence it cannot be kept as such on the table as it poses a huge security threat.
It is said that pre-printed business checks should be kept in lockers with high security. However, in the case of blank check stock, there will be no data on it, and hence it is more protected and reliable to use than pre-printed business checks.
Above all, pre-printed business checks will be void once the business owner or the trading entity changes the banking institutions. In those cases, the entire bunch of the pre-printed business checks will be of no value.