Do you know that online bank provides many benefits that aren’t available in brick-and-mortar banks? No matter your financial needs or banking habits, using an online banking account is a great way to get more features. Online banking also offers some amazing...
Are you tired of writing checks by hand? Are you tired of wasting time and money by ordering checks? Check writing is one of the most frustrating aspects of the accounting profession. It’s difficult to write checks in large quantities without making any...
There are many reasons to consider moving your business to another e-payment platform. You may have security concerns or be looking for a way to expand the number of payment options for your customers. If you’re looking for a PayPal alternative that charges low...
No one ever said that making ends meet was easy. In fact, for most of us, it’s a constant struggle to keep up with the bills and still have enough money left over for other things. But what if there was a way to get paid early to make ends meet? This blog post...
Do you have a check writing machine that eats your money and space? In business saving, every penny will increase your profit. – Powered by Zil Money is one such platform, and our main priority is to make your business easy for you by...